ARTS is where IRREGULAR started. Creativity is at the heart of all we do.
Arts practices help us imagine the world we’d like to see. We can connect and engage with people, creating spaces to try out ideas together. We want to have serious fun, challenge harsh realities and explore what’s possible.
We make activist and accessible work, with people that might not connect with traditional ways of experiencing “the arts”. It’s hard to describe how and where we do what we do, so here are a few examples:
- Leading flashmobs of Dorothys and Flying Monkeys on bicycles to take over our home-city centre and say ‘There’s No Place Like Bradford’ (Echoes of Oz- 2015)
- Touring theatres with a human cactus sharing love stories in ‘Celia Johnson Corner’ (Odd Encounter 2018-19)
- Sharing ‘Alternative Facts’ about places from the ‘Ministry of Miss-Inform-ation’ (Miss Inform – 2016- present)
Since 2014 we have worked with individuals, communities, students, marginalized groups, families, academics and artists of all kinds. We have shared the work we’ve made together in all kinds of spaces: on the streets, at festivals, in shops, online, at community centres, and in museums, libraries and theatres.
We continue to create projects and seek out opportunities to offer the world an ever-changing variety of performances, writing, music, zines, events, experiences and artistic collaborations.
More information on past, present and future Irregular Arts is coming soon. If you’d like to find out about it first, please sign up for Irregular News
Irregular Arts is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company No: 9051067
Much of our work has been made possible with project grant support from Arts Council England